How to Write a BCP Routine in Powershell

# Step 1 - Output a table to a .dat or txt file. Do the same thing for other four tables
bcp AdventureWorks2012.Sales.Currency out BCP1.dat -S localhost\InstanceName -T -c

# Step 2 - In SSMS, create a blank table in the database with the same structure as the original table for inputing. Do the same for other four tables
USE AdventureWorks2012;
SELECT * INTO AdventureWorks2012.Sales.BCP1
FROM AdventureWorks2012.Sales.Currency WHERE 1=2;

# Step 3 -Input the dat or txt file into the table. Do the same thing for other four tables
bcp AdventureWorks2012.Sales.BCP1 in BCP1.dat -S localhost\InstanceName -T -c

# Step 4 - In SSMS, verify that you have 5 BCP tables
SELECT * FROM sys.sysobjects
WHERE name like '%BCP%'

# Step 5 - Create a tables.txt file with the five BCP table names in it as below:

# Step 6 - check the content of the file in PowerShell:
PS SQLSERVER:\> get-content -path C:\Users\Charlie\Documents\tables.txt

# Step 7 - It's better to edit the code in PowerShell ISE at this point. Output the tables into native text file.
get-content .\tables.txt | % {$BCPTable=$_;                                    # Create a variable to hodl the BCP Table name
    $Path="C:\Users\Charlie\Documents\$BCPTable" + " -n.txt";                  # Create a variable to Specify the file location
    BCP AdventureWorks2008R2.Sales.$BCPTable OUT $Path -S LocalHost\R2 -T -n   # This is it! It will bcp out all tables in a single command. R2 is the instance name

# Step 8 - Save the above code as BCPOut.ps1 and execute it at the right location or specify the BCPOut.ps1 location.
PS C:\users\charlie\documents> .\bcpout

# Step 9 - We can zip the output file if needed. We need to download and use the gzip tool. After the zip, five zip files are created for bcp out.
get-content .\tables.txt | % {$BCPTable=$_;
    $Path="C:\Users\Charlie\Documents\$BCPTable" + " -n.txt";
    BCP AdventureWorks2008R2.Sales.$BCPTable OUT $Path -S LocalHost\R2 -T -n;
    C:\Users\Charlie\Downloads\gzip124xN\gzip.exe $Path

# Step 10 - checking the cost or progress through a status file (assuming the bcp takes hours to complete).
get-content .\tables.txt | % {
    $Path="C:\Users\Charlie\Documents\$BCPTable" + " -n.txt";
    "$Date" + " Starting BCP: " + "$BCPTable" | Out-File C:\Users\Charlie\Documents\Status.txt -Append
    BCP AdventureWorks2008R2.Sales.$BCPTable OUT $Path -S LocalHost\R2 -T -n;
    $DateDiff = ($Date2-$Date).Milliseconds
    "$Date2" + " Ending BCP: " + "$BCPTable" + " --- This BCP takes " + $DateDiff +" milliseconds." | Out-File C:\Users\Charlie\Documents\Status.txt -Append

    "$Date" + " Starting Zip: " + "$BCPTable" | Out-File C:\Users\Charlie\Documents\Status.txt -Append
    C:\Users\Charlie\Downloads\gzip124xN\gzip.exe $Path
    $DateDiff = ($Date2-$Date).Milliseconds
    "$Date2" + " Ending Zip: " + "$BCPTable" + " --- This Zip takes " + $DateDiff +" milliseconds." | Out-File C:\Users\Charlie\Documents\Status.txt -Append


<###### Output as below
01/24/2015 13:14:45 Starting BCP: BCP1
01/24/2015 13:14:45 Ending BCP: BCP1 --- This BCP takes 141 milliseconds.
01/24/2015 13:14:45 Starting Zip: BCP1
01/24/2015 13:14:46 Ending Zip: BCP1 --- This Zip takes 14 milliseconds.
01/24/2015 13:14:46 Starting BCP: BCP2
01/24/2015 13:14:46 Ending BCP: BCP2 --- This BCP takes 274 milliseconds.
01/24/2015 13:14:46 Starting Zip: BCP2
01/24/2015 13:14:46 Ending Zip: BCP2 --- This Zip takes 535 milliseconds.
01/24/2015 13:14:46 Starting BCP: BCP3
01/24/2015 13:14:47 Ending BCP: BCP3 --- This BCP takes 436 milliseconds.
01/24/2015 13:14:47 Starting Zip: BCP3
01/24/2015 13:14:47 Ending Zip: BCP3 --- This Zip takes 576 milliseconds.
01/24/2015 13:14:47 Starting BCP: BCP4
01/24/2015 13:14:48 Ending BCP: BCP4 --- This BCP takes 164 milliseconds.
01/24/2015 13:14:48 Starting Zip: BCP4
01/24/2015 13:14:48 Ending Zip: BCP4 --- This Zip takes 90 milliseconds.
01/24/2015 13:14:48 Starting BCP: BCP5
01/24/2015 13:14:48 Ending BCP: BCP5 --- This BCP takes 102 milliseconds.
01/24/2015 13:14:48 Starting Zip: BCP5
01/24/2015 13:14:48 Ending Zip: BCP5 --- This Zip takes 87 milliseconds.
