How to Change Permissions on Objects in SQL Server using Powershell?

# Requirement: removing permissions from individual SPs and put the permission at the schema level.
# I am in a sysadmin role. There is a login called PSTest and a db user in Adventureworks 2014, also called PSTest.
# Option 1

PS SQLSERVER:\sql\xu-acer-pc\default\databases\adventureworks2014\storedprocedures> dir | %{$SP=$_.Schema+"."+$_.Name; $SP; Invoke-sqlcmd -query "revoke execute on $sp
 PSTest" -SuppressProviderContextWarning}

# Option 2 - the SMO approach. Let's check the revoke method in SMO first
PS SQLSERVER:\sql\xu-acer-pc\default\databases\adventureworks2014\storedprocedures> dir | gm |? {$ -eq "revoke"} | fl
# One of the overloaded method for revoke is void Revoke(Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ObjectPermissionSet permission, string[] granteeNames)

PS SQLSERVER:\sql\xu-acer-pc\default\databases\adventureworks2014\storedprocedures> $a=new-object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ObjectPermissionSet
PS SQLSERVER:\sql\xu-acer-pc\default\databases\adventureworks2014\storedprocedures> $a

Alter              : False
Control            : False
Connect            : False
Delete             : False
Execute            : False
Impersonate        : False
Insert             : False
Receive            : False
References         : False
Select             : False
Send               : False
TakeOwnership      : False
Update             : False
ViewDefinition     : False
ViewChangeTracking : False
CreateSequence     : False

# Change the property for Execute
PS SQLSERVER:\sql\xu-acer-pc\default\databases\adventureworks2014\storedprocedures> $a.Execute=1

# Grand the permission for all SPs
PS SQLSERVER:\sql\xu-acer-pc\default\databases\adventureworks2014\storedprocedures> dir | %{$;$_.grant($a,"PSTest");$_.Alter()}

# Revoke the permission for all SPs
PS SQLSERVER:\sql\xu-acer-pc\default\databases\adventureworks2014\storedprocedures> dir | %{$;$_.revoke($a,"PSTest");$_.Alter()}

# How to trap the meaningful error message (The internal error message from SQL Server. Execute the script in PowerShellISE

cd SQLServer:\sql\localhost\default\databases\Adventureworks2014\StoredProcedures
$a=new-object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ObjectPermissionSet
#$a.Execute=0 # For testing the detailed messsage
#$a.Insert=1  # Fortesting the detailed messsage - Insert is not applicable to a sp

$acct = "PSTest"
dir | % {$_.Revoke($a,$acct) ###########$_.Grant($a,$acct)

         Trap {

                while ($err.InnerException)
                    write-output $err.message


cd c:\

# Or save the script as TrapTheError.ps1 and execute the file from the right location

PS C:\users\xu-acer\documents> ./TrapTheError.ps1