How to Grant and Revoke Database Permissions in Powershell?

# Step 1 - We need to load the .NET assembly
PS SQLSERVER:\sql\xu_xps\default\databases> [reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname("Microsoft.SQlServer.smo")

# Step 2 - We create a variable to instantiate the object permssion
PS SQLSERVER:\sql\xu_xps\default\databases> $s=new-object

# Step 3 - Check the properties and methods avialable to the bject
PS SQLSERVER:\sql\xu_xps\default\databases> $s | gm

# Step 4 - Now we can set some properties for the permission object. Let's we want to grand Select, Execute, and View Definition to xu_xps\charlie for all the schemas
PS SQLSERVER:\sql\xu_xps\default\databases> $S.Select=1
PS SQLSERVER:\sql\xu_xps\default\databases> $S.Execute=1
PS SQLSERVER:\sql\xu_xps\default\databases> $S.ViewDefinition=1

# The script below works fine in SQL Server 2008/R2, however, the script{$s) causes an error in SQL Server 2012
# the database user xu_xps\charlie should now have select, execute, and view defintion permissions on all of the databases if the databases have that user account
PS SQLSERVER:\sql\xu_xps\default\databasess> gci | % {$_.Grant($s,"xu_xps\charlie")}

# Step 5 - Now let's set Select and Execute to false (leaving ViewDefinition to true)
PS SQLSERVER:\sql\xu_xps\default\databases> $S.Select=0
PS SQLSERVER:\sql\xu_xps\default\databases> $S.Execute=0
PS SQLSERVER:\sql\xu_xps\default\databases> gci | % {$_.Grant($s,"xu_xps\charlie")}