How to Create a Performance Counter Log in Windows 7

1. Open Performance Monitor, and navigate to the Data Collector Sets node in the tree on the left.

2. Right-click User Defined, and navigate the menu to create a new data collector set.

3. Give the new set a name, select the Create Manually option button, and click Next.

4. Choose the Create Data Logs radio button, select the Performance Counter check box, and then click Next.

5. Click Next again. It’s not the time yet to select the performance counters, but you can customize the sampling time interval for the performance counter log.

6. Specify a directory where you want the logs to be saved, and then click Next.

7. Click Finish.

SQL Server Error - How to rebuild the system databases

  1. Need to stop both SQL Server Services and SQL Server Agent Services
  2. Find sqlservr.exe. It is in different folders in 2005 and 2008.
    • In 2005: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Binn
    • in 2008: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.MSSQLServre\MSSQL\Binn
  3. If there are errors, especially in 2008 such as InitErrLog, run the command prompt as an administrator.
  4. Run the command in single user mode: sqlservr -m, then use the setup.exe option to rebuild one of the system databases (see 2005 DBD book p.541 for details)

Need to run the TableDiff command from the right directory

TableDiff command needs to be in the right directory. For example,

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\COM>tablediff -sourceserver "SQL2005" -sourcedatabase "MyDB" -sourcetable "ABC" -destinationserver "SQL2005" -destinationdatabase "MyDB" -destinationtable "ABC_New"

SQL Server 2008 R2 Enterprise cannot be installed in Windows 7, but the Developer version is OK - see software requirements.