Set up Peer-to-Peer Replication in SSMS

One key part is to set the property values properly.

To enable the publication for peer-to-peer replication
  1. Expand the Replication folder on Server A, and then expand the Local Publications folder.
  2. Right-click and set up as below

Copy a PDF Figure to MS Word

Some PDF documents do not let the user copy the figures (but copying text is OK). How do copy the figure or graph from PDF to Word in this case?

For Adobe Reader 10+

Edit --> Take a Snashot

A related issue: Is it possible to keep the formatted SQL Server codes in the PDF file and copy them to SSMS or Word?

The answer basically is NO, You cannot do it due to the nature of the PDF document, even you use PDF Professional or a program converting from PDF to Word. Taking a snapshot will give you the visual presentation of the formatted codes, but not a formatted text.

Set the Collate to Latin1_General_CI_AS for SQL Sever for the sake of Team Foundation Server

I tried to install Team Foundation Server 2010 on my laptop earlier today and encountered an error below:

Error [ Configuration Database ] TF255374: The following SQL Server instance is not compatible with Team Foundation Server: CK-PC. The default collation is set to Latin1_General_CI_AI. Team Foundation Server requires that the default collation be case insensitive and accent sensitive. You must choose a SQL Server instance whose default collation settings match these requirements.

Obviously one way to fix the problem seems to be rebuild the system databases with the required collation and re-install user databases. But it will take a while.

So the key takeaway is: if you need to use Team Foundation Server with SQL Server, find TFS' default collation first and then use the same collation when you install SQL Server.