Errors in the high-level relation engine when trying to browse an SSAS cube due to the logon problem


When I try to browse the cube in SSAS 2008, I get the error as below:

 The above error complains the logon unable to access the data source AdventureWorksDW2008R2.

When I right-click the data source properties, I find:


Oops, the password was missing. 


After I enter the password, it works as desired.

You may wonder why I use the specific user, instead of the service account or the current user. This is the background information:

The AdventureWorksDW2008 database I obtained has the DimTime, instead of the desired DimDate. So I decide to use the AdventureWorksDW2008R2 as the data source. The other parts of SSMS and SSAS are still SQL Server 2008.

I have used LocalSystem for the SQL Server service and NT Authority\Network Service for SSAS 2008 during installation. The Network Service for SQL Server 2008 obviously cannot access the SQL Server 20008R2 database. I could either change the service account for SSAS 2008 to the Local System account, or use a specific account. I had chosen to use the 2nd option (and tested the 1st option as well). But for the option I chose, as long as the database connection is closed, I have to provide the password again to be able to connect to the data source. That's why I get the error in the beginning due to the empty password.