Troubleshooting the Issues with DBCC ShrinkDatabase or DBCC ShrinkFile

SummaryTo shrink all data and log files for a specific database, use DBCC SHRINKDATABASE command. To shrink one data or log file at a time for a specific database, use DBCC SHRINKFILE. If the database file cannot be shrunk, check to see if (1) there is sufficient free space, (2) there is a clustered index on the table, and (3) there are highly fragmented extents on the partitions.


1.  DBCC ShrinkDatabase

1)  What’s for? - Shrinks the size of the data and log files in the specified database.

2)  Syntax


database_name | database_id | 0

     [ , target_percent ]





a)             NOTRUNCATE

Compacts the data in data files by moving allocated pages from the end of a file to unallocated pages in the front of the file. target_percent is optional.


The free space at the end of the file is not returned to the operating system, and the physical size of the file does not change. Therefore, when NOTRUNCATE is specified, the database appears not to shrink.


NOTRUNCATE is applicable only to data files. The log file is not affected.


b)             TRUNCATEONLY

Releases all free space at the end of the file to the operating system but does not perform any page movement inside the file. The data file is shrunk only to the last allocated extent. target_percent is ignored if specified with TRUNCATEONLY.


TRUNCATEONLY affects the log file. To truncate only the data file, use DBCC SHRINKFILE.


3)  Examples

·        Shrinking a database releasing 10% free space


--To see how much the free space is before the action



--shrinking 10%



--to see how much the free space is after the action


·        Truncating a database to the last allocated extent – releasing all free to the operating system



2.  DBCC ShrinkFile

1)  What’s for? - Shrinks the size of the specified data or log file for the current database, or empties a file by moving the data from the specified file to other files in the same filegroup, allowing the file to be removed from the database. You can shrink a file to a size that is less than the size specified when it was created. This resets the minimum file size to the new value.

2)  Syntax



    { file_name | file_id }

    { [ , EMPTYFILE ]

    | [ [target_size ] [ , { NOTRUNCATE | TRUNCATEONLY } ] ]





·                file_name

Is the logical name of the file to be shrunk.


·        file_id

Is the identification (ID) number of the file to be shrunk. To obtain a file ID, use the FILE_IDEX system function or query the sys.database_files catalog view in the current database.


·        target_size

Is the size for the file in megabytes, expressed as an integer. If not specified, DBCC SHRINKFILE reduces the size to the default file size. The default size is the size specified when the file was created.


Note: You can reduce the default size of an empty file by using DBCC SHRINKFILE target_size. For example, if you create a 5-MB file and then shrink the file to 3 MB while the file is still empty, the default file size is set to 3 MB. This applies only to empty files that have never contained data.


If target_size is specified, DBCC SHRINKFILE tries to shrink the file to the specified size. Used pages in the part of the file to be freed are relocated to available free space in the part of the file retained. For example, if there is a 10-MB data file, a DBCC SHRINKFILE operation with a target_size of 8 causes all used pages in the last 2 MB of the file to be reallocated into any unallocated pages in the first 8 MB of the file. DBCC SHRINKFILE does not shrink a file past the size needed to store the data in the file. For example, if 7 MB of a 10-MB data file is used, a DBCC SHRINKFILE statement with a target_size of 6 shrinks the file to only 7 MB, not 6 MB.


For log files, target_size is the amount of free space in the log after the shrink operation


·        EMPTYFILE

Migrates all data from the specified file to other files in the same filegroup. Because the Database Engine no longer allows data to be placed in the empty file, the file can be removed by using the ALTER DATABASE statement.


3)  Shrinking a Log File

For log files, the Database Engine uses target_size to calculate the target size for the whole log; therefore, target_size is the amount of free space in the log after the shrink operation. Target size for the whole log is then translated to target size for each log file. DBCC SHRINKFILE tries to shrink each physical log file to its target size immediately. However, if part of the logical log resides in the virtual logs beyond the target size, the Database Engine frees as much space as possible, and then issues an informational message. The message describes what actions are required to move the logical log out of the virtual logs at the end of the file. After the actions are performed, DBCC SHRINKFILE can be used to free the remaining space.


Because a log file can only be shrunk to a virtual log file boundary, shrinking a log file to a size smaller than the size of a virtual log file might not be possible, even if it is not being used. The size of the virtual log file is chosen dynamically by the Database Engine when log files are created or extended.


4)  Examples


A.   shrinks the size of a data file named DataFile1 in the UserDB user database to 7 MB.




B.   Shrinking a log file to a specified target size


The following example shrinks the log file in the AdventureWorks database to 1 MB.


To allow the DBCC SHRINKFILE command to shrink the file, the file is first truncated by setting the database recovery model to SIMPLE.



USE AdventureWorks2012;


-- Truncate the log by changing the database recovery model to SIMPLE.

ALTER DATABASE AdventureWorks2012



-- Shrink the truncated log file to 1 MB.

DBCC SHRINKFILE (AdventureWorks2012_Log, 1);


-- Reset the database recovery model.

ALTER DATABASE AdventureWorks2012




C.   Truncating a data file



The following example truncates the primary data file in the AdventureWorks database.


The sys.database_files catalog view is queried to obtain the file_id of the data file.



USE AdventureWorks2012;



SELECT file_id, name

FROM sys.database_files;





D.   Emptying a file  Note: only ndf files can be emptied.



The following example demonstrates the procedure for emptying a file so that it can be removed from the database.

For the purposes of this example, a data file is first created and it is assumed that the file contains data.



USE AdventureWorks2012;



-- Create a data file and assume it contains data.

ALTER DATABASE AdventureWorks2012


    NAME = Test1data,

    FILENAME = 'C:\t1data.ndf',

    SIZE = 5MB




-- Empty the data file.




-- Remove the data file from the database.

ALTER DATABASE AdventureWorks2012

REMOVE FILE Test1data;



5)  Best Practices for DBCC ShrinkFile

Consider the following information when you plan to shrink a file:


·                A shrink operation is most effective after an operation that creates lots of unused space, such as a truncate table or a drop table operation.

·                Most databases require some free space to be available for regular day-to-day operations. If you shrink a database repeatedly and notice that the database size grows again, this indicates that the space that was shrunk is required for regular operations. In these cases, repeatedly shrinking the database is a wasted operation.

·                A shrink operation does not preserve the fragmentation state of indexes in the database, and generally increases fragmentation to a degree. This is another reason not to repeatedly shrink the database.

·                Shrink multiple files in the same database sequentially instead of concurrently. Contention on system tables can cause delays due to blocking.

6)  Troubleshooting for DBCC ShrinkFile

·        The File do not shrink due to insufficient free space


If the shrink operation runs without error, but the file does not appear to have changed in size, verify that the file has adequate free space to remove by performing one of the following operations:


Run the following query.


SELECT  name ,

        size / 128.0 - CAST(FILEPROPERTY(name, 'SpaceUsed') AS INT) / 128.0 AS FreeSpaceInMB

FROM    sys.database_files;


Run the DBCC SQLPERF command to return the space used in the transaction log.


If insufficient free space is available, the shrink operation cannot reduce the file size any further.


Typically it is the log file that appears not to shrink. This is usually the result of a log file that has not been truncated. You can truncate the log by setting the database recovery model to SIMPLE, or by backing up the log and then running the DBCC SHRINKFILE operation again.


·        The File do not shrink due to fragmented pages in the extents


Remember that DBCC ShrinkFile works at the extent level. The extents with data, no matter on how many pages, cannot be shrunk. But if you check the free space at the page level, the result will reflect these empty pages. But DBCC ShrinkFile does not shrink the file in these cases as demoed below.


-- DBCC ShrinkFile




USE test_shrink



--create a table: one row occupies a page


            FROM    sys.objects

            WHERE   name = 'Show_extent'

                    AND TYPE = 'U' )

    DROP TABLE show_extent


    CREATE TABLE show_extent ( a INT, b NVARCHAR(3900) )



--insert 8000 rows data into the table


SET @i = 1

WHILE @i <= 1000


        INSERT  INTO show_extent

        VALUES  ( 1, REPLICATE(N'a', 3900) )

        INSERT  INTO show_extent

        VALUES  ( 2, REPLICATE(N'b', 3900) )

        INSERT  INTO show_extent

        VALUES  ( 3, REPLICATE(N'c', 3900) )

        INSERT  INTO show_extent

        VALUES  ( 4, REPLICATE(N'd', 3900) )

        INSERT  INTO show_extent

        VALUES  ( 5, REPLICATE(N'e', 3900) )

        INSERT  INTO show_extent

        VALUES  ( 6, REPLICATE(N'f', 3900) )

        INSERT  INTO show_extent

        VALUES  ( 7, REPLICATE(N'g', 3900) )

        INSERT  INTO show_extent

        VALUES  ( 8, REPLICATE(N'h', 3900) )

        SET @i = @i + 1



--The 8000 rows uses 64072KB = 64MB data + 8KB index + 64 unused.

sp_spaceused show_extent



name        rows    reserved      data           index_size     unused

show_extent 8000    64072 KB      64000 KB       8 KB           64 KB



DBCC showcontig('show_extent')



/****This heap table uses 1002 extents and 8000 pages.


DBCC SHOWCONTIG scanning 'show_extent' table...

Table: 'show_extent' (245575913); index ID: 0, database ID: 18

TABLE level scan performed.

- Pages Scanned................................: 8000

- Extents Scanned..............................: 1002

- Extent Switches..............................: 1001

- Avg. Pages per Extent........................: 8.0

- Scan Density [Best Count:Actual Count].......: 99.80% [1000:1002]

- Extent Scan Fragmentation ...................: 0.00%

- Avg. Bytes Free per Page.....................: 279.0

- Avg. Page Density (full).....................: 96.55%



SELECT * FROM sys.database_files


/***** Data file size = 8344*8=66752KB

file_id    type_desc      physical_name                         size (number of pages)

1          ROWS           D:\xxx\DATA\test_shrink.mdf           8344  

2          LOG            D:\xxx\DATA\test_shrink_log.ldf       15736 



--Now, let's delete all of the data except for those with a=5

--7000 rows deleted. 1000 rows left, one row/each page in each extent


DELETE  show_extent

WHERE   a <> 5



--The left 1000 rows uses

sp_spaceused show_extent


/****Surprisingly the 1000 rows still uses 64008KB: 32992KB data +8KB + 31008KB unused

name        rows    reserved       data           index_size     unused

show_extent 1000    64008 KB       32992 KB       8 KB           31008 KB



DBCC showcontig('show_extent')



/*******All 1000 extents are still used. no one is released.


DBCC SHOWCONTIG scanning 'show_extent' table...

Table: 'show_extent' (245575913); index ID: 0, database ID: 18

TABLE level scan performed.

- Pages Scanned................................: 4124

- Extents Scanned..............................: 1001

- Extent Switches..............................: 1000

- Avg. Pages per Extent........................: 4.1

- Scan Density [Best Count:Actual Count].......: 51.55% [516:1001]

- Extent Scan Fragmentation ...................: 0.00%

- Avg. Bytes Free per Page.....................: 6199.0

- Avg. Page Density (full).....................: 23.41%



SELECT * FROM sys.database_files


/**** The same as before the delete command

file_id    type_desc      physical_name                         size (number of pages)

1          ROWS           D:\xxx\DATA\test_shrink.mdf           8344  

2          LOG            D:\xxx\DATA\test_shrink_log.ldf       15736 



--But we know the data is actually only about 1000pages*8KB/page(=8MB), so let's try to shrink the file to 10MB



SELECT * FROM sys.database_files


/****almost the same. So DBCC ShrinkFile does not release the space in this case


file_id    type_desc      physical_name                         size (number of pages)

1          ROWS           D:\xxx\DATA\test_shrink.mdf           8296  

2          LOG            D:\xxx\DATA\test_shrink_log.ldf       15736 



sp_spaceused show_extent


/*** Again sp_spaceused shows these 100o rows uses about 64M space, although the data is actually 8000KB or 8MB.

name        rows    reserved       data    index_size     unused

show_extent 1000    63952 KB       8000 KB 8 KB           55944 KB



--Solution: rebuild the clustered index if the table has one. Otherwise, create one as below


ON show_extent (a)



DBCC showcontig('show_extent')



/****** Now the extents used has dropped to 125


DBCC SHOWCONTIG scanning 'show_extent' table...

Table: 'show_extent' (293576084); index ID: 1, database ID: 18

TABLE level scan performed.

- Pages Scanned................................: 1000

- Extents Scanned..............................: 125

- Extent Switches..............................: 124

- Avg. Pages per Extent........................: 8.0

- Scan Density [Best Count:Actual Count].......: 100.00% [125:125]

- Logical Scan Fragmentation ..................: 0.00%

- Extent Scan Fragmentation ...................: 0.00%

- Avg. Bytes Free per Page.....................: 273.0

- Avg. Page Density (full).....................: 96.63%



--Now shrinkfile works

dbcc shrinkfile (1, 10)


SELECT * FROM sys.database_files


/**** Now the data file has reduced to 1304 pages *8K/page = 10432KB=10.4MB


file_id    type_desc      physical_name                         size (number of pages)

1          ROWS           D:\xxx\DATA\test_shrink.mdf           1304  

2          LOG            D:\xxx\DATA\test_shrink_log.ldf       15736 



/*****actually, the minimum file size should be 10336KB: 8.848MB data + 1.16MB index + 328 KB unused.


reserved   data    index_size     unused

10336 KB   8848 KB 1160 KB        328 KB



·                DBCC SHRINKFILE and SHRINKDATABASE commands may not work because of sparsely populated text, ntext, or image columns


See below from



However, DBCC SHRINKFILE and SHRINKDATABASE commands may not work because of sparsely populated text, ntext, or image columns. SQL Server uses separate pages to store those LOB data,the clustreed index approach for non-LOB data does not help. We need to find the objects containing these fragmented data and rebuild them


One way to find the fragmented objects is to use DBCC ExtentInfo.


The DBCC command DBCC EXTENTINFO provides information about extents allocations that occur within a database.


The command can be used to identify how extents have been allocated and whether the extents being used are mixed or uniform. For every extent allocation, there will be one row in the results. Since extents are comprised of eight pages, there can be as many as eight allocations for an extent when there are single page allocations, such as when mixed extents are used. When uniform extents are used, there will be only one extent allocation and one row returned for the extent.DBCC EXTENTINFO can be extremely useful for investigating how pages are allocated to tables and indexes.Using the DBCC command can be extremely useful when trying to investigate issues related to fragmentation and how pages have been allocated.


Run the following code after deleting the 7000 rows. Do not use the clustered index approach to shrink the file for this demo.


Please note this demo presents a solution to identify the highly fragmented extents/partitions on the previous table. If the query is used for identifying LOBs, you can specify index_id=255 etc.




            FROM    sys.objects

            WHERE   name = 'extentinfo'

                    AND TYPE = 'U' )

    DROP TABLE extentinfo


    CREATE TABLE extentinfo


          [file_id] SMALLINT ,

          page_id INT ,

          pg_alloc INT ,

          ext_size INT ,

          obj_id INT ,

          index_id INT ,

          partition_number INT ,

          partition_id BIGINT ,

          iam_chain_type VARCHAR(50) ,

          pfs_bytes VARBINARY(10)





            FROM    sys.objects

            WHERE   name = 'import_extentinfo'

                    AND TYPE = 'p' )

    DROP PROC import_extentinfo


CREATE PROCEDURE import_extentinfo


    DBCC extentinfo('test_shrink')



INSERT  extentinfo

        EXEC import_extentinfo




If the % of possible extent / actual extent column is less than 75, this database has sparsely extents and can be reduced in size.


In our case, it is a heap table. If it is a BLOB data, index_id should be 255.


SELECT  [file_id] ,

        obj_id ,

        index_id ,

        partition_id ,

        ext_size ,

        'actual_extent_count' = COUNT(*) ,

        'actual_page_count' = SUM(pg_alloc) ,

        'possible_extent_count' = CEILING(SUM(pg_alloc) * 1.0 / ext_size) ,

        '% of possible_extents / actual_extents' = ( CEILING(SUM(pg_alloc)

                                                             * 1.00 / ext_size)

                                                     * 100.00 ) / COUNT(*)

FROM    extentinfo

GROUP BY [file_id] ,

        obj_id ,

        index_id ,

        partition_id ,


HAVING  COUNT(*) - CEILING(SUM(pg_alloc) * 1.0 / ext_size) > 0

ORDER BY partition_id ,

        obj_id ,

        index_id ,



/*** BJECT_ID =389576426==>the show_extent table

file_id    obj_id         index_i partition_id          ext_size  actual_extent_count

1          389576426      0       72057594039631872     8          998


actual_page_count  possible_extent_count   % of possible_extents / actual_extents

4115               515                    51.603206412



So, How to fix the problem after the fragmented object is identified?


If the affected tables do not have to be continuously online while you correct this situation, you can use any one of the following workarounds to resolve this problem:

o   Use a SELECT INTO statement to transfer the whole table to a new table in the same database. Drop the original table, and then run a DBCC SHRINKFILE statement. Rename the new table to the original table name.

o   Use a SELECT INTO statement to transfer the whole table to a new table in a different database. Truncate the original table, and then run a DBCC SHRINKFILE statement. Transfer the data back to the original table.

o   Use the bulk copy program to copy the table out in native mode. Script out the table, and then drop the existing table. Run a DBCC SHRINKFILE statement. Create a new table, and then use the bulk copy program to copy the data back to the table.

o   Use Data Transformation Services (DTS) to transfer the whole database to a new database. SQL Server 7.0 Data Transformation Services may not transfer text and image data longer that is than 64 KB correctly. This problem does not apply to the SQL Server 2000 version of Data Transformation Services. For additional information, click the article number below to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

257425 FIX: DTS Object Transfer Does Not Transfer BLOB Data Greater Than 64


You can look for text and image columns that are greater than 64 KB with the following query:


SELECT MAX (DATALENGTH (TextImageColumn)) FROM TableName


If the text and image data is greater than 64 KB, the transfer truncates the data and does not raise any error except in the DTS log files. If you have text or image data greater than 64 KB, use the information in the third bullet item for the tables that have text or image data. Next, use DTS for the rest of the items in the database.

If the database must be online or the size of the database is too large to move the data into an external file or another database, you can use the DBCC SHRINKFILE command with the EMPTYFILE option. To use this work around, follow these steps:

§  If you are running Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 3, turn on trace flags 1180 and 1197.

§  If you running Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 3 build 7.00.987, or later, including Service Pack 4, turn on trace flag 1180.

§  If you have spread the database across several files for either drive space issues or performance reasons, create 1 or more additional files in the database by using the ALTER DATABASE command with a total size comparable to the results of the following query.

SELECT 'size in MB' = CEILING(SUM(ei.pg_alloc) / 128.000) ,


     FROM   extentinfo ei

            INNER JOIN sysfiles sf ON ei.[file_id] = sf.fileid

                                      AND ei.[file_id] != 1

            INNER JOIN sysfilegroups sfg ON sf.groupid = sfg.groupid

     GROUP BY sfg.groupname


NOTE: The preceding query uses the table that is created by the query in the "More Information" section of this article. Additionally, the file size totals are broken down by filegroup.

§  Run a DBCC SHRINKFILE query, with the EMPTYFILE option as the second parameter, on each file that has sparsely populated blob uniform extents.

§  You can track the progress of the DBCC SRHINKFILE command by creating one or more tables with the same schema as the extentinfo table from the "More Information" section of this article. Then run an "INSERT .. EXECimport_extentinfo" query to populate the data to the new tables. Use the following query to analyze the results:

SELECT  [file_id] ,

        'page count' = SUM(pg_alloc) ,

        'min page' = MIN(page_id) ,

        'max page' = MAX(page_id)

FROM    extentinfo

GROUP BY [file_id]


Additionally, you can use the following query to keep track of when the DBCC EXTENTINFO command was run if the tables start with the same pattern of letters and are created near the time as the DBCC EXTENTINFO command:

SELECT  crdate ,


FROM    sysobjects

WHERE   type = 'U'

        AND [name] LIKE 'extent%'

ORDER BY crdate

§  When the DBCC SHRINKFILE query completes, run an ALTER DATABASE query to remove the old files from the database.

§  You can possibly remove additional space by running a DBCC SHRINKFILE query with the TRUNCATEONLY option on the new files that were created in step 3.

§  If you are running Microsoft SQL Server 7.0, turn off the trace flags you turned on in step 1 or 2.