An Error on Accessing and Running a Web Service Application and the Solution


Today, I performed the example in the SSSR tutorial on accessing the SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services (SSRS) Web services from an application created with Microsoft Visual Basic or Microsoft Visual C#.

On the last lesson (Lesson 4) when running the application, I received the following error message:

System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: The item '/AdventureWorks 2012 Samp
le Reports/Company Sales 2012' cannot be found. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices
.Diagnostics.Utilities.ItemNotFoundException: The item '/AdventureWorks 2012 Sam
ple Reports/Company Sales 2012' cannot be found.
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportingService2005Impl.GetProperti
es(String Item, Property[] Properties, Property[]& Values)
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.WebServer.ReportingService2010.GetProperties(S
tring ItemPath, Property[] Properties, Property[]& Values)
Press any key to continue . . .


1. Download the right file and install it

This tutorial uses the Company Sales report from SQL Server 2008R2 (in fact, it has been with SQL Server since version 2000). This report is part of the AdventureWorks Sample Reports 2008 R2. You can download it from here at this time.

There are no AdventureWorks Sample Reports 2012 at this point.

Download the file, unzip it, and install it anywhere you choose. It does not matter if it is in the recommended default sample file path. I zipped the files to C:\downloads folder.

2. Open the solution file and rename the report file

(1)   When you open the solution file in SSDT, it will be upgraded.
(2)   The solution file name itself, which is currently "AdventureWorks Sample Reports SQL2008R2" does not matter. You can still keep the name.
(3)   Rename the Company Sales report file from Company Sales SQL2008R2.rdl to Company Sales 2012.rdl

3. Change the target report folder for deployment from AdventureWorks Sample Reports to AdventureWorks 2012 Sample Reports

Right-click the solution|Propeties|Deployment|OverwriteDatabase=True, OverwriteDataSources=True, TargetReportFolder=AdventureWorks 2012 Sample Reports (the original is AdventureWorks Sample Reports)

Alternatively, you could use report manager to complete steps 2 and 3. In other words, you can rename the report folder from AdventureWorks Sample Reports to AdventureWorks 2012 Sample Reports and the report file from Company Sales SQL2008R2 to Company Sales 2012 in report manager after you deploy the AdventureWorks Sample Reports SQL2008R2 solution.

4. After the AdventureWorks Sample Reports SQL2008R2 is deployed correctly, you should see the nice message in the console window in Lesson 4 when you start the project GetPropertiesSample without debugging.