Troubleshoot Orphaned Users


Option 1 - Use sp_change_users_login 'Update_One'

Option 2 - Backup & Restore Master database,

Option 3 - Use Contained database


1.            Why Orphaned?

The database user either does not have a corresponding login, or its SID does not match that for login. The SIDs for the database user and the server login must be the same.

2.      How to find the SID?

SELECT * FROM sys.server_principals

SELECT * FROM sys.database_principals

3.      How to find the orphaned users in a database?

USE <database_name>;


sp_change_users_login @Action='Report';


4.      How to resolve an orphaned user?

1)    Option 1 – manually mapping one at a time by using sp_change_users_login

a)    The following command relinks the server login account specified by <login_name> with the database user specified by <database_user>.


USE <database_name>;



sp_change_users_login @Action='update_one', @UserNamePattern='<database_user>',




--Example: Database user MB-Sales, which at first is mapped to another login, is remapped to login MaryB.

EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Update_One''MB-Sales''MaryB';


b)    After you run the code in the preceding step, the user can access the database. The user then can alter the password of the <login_name> login account by using the sp_password stored procedure, as follows:


USE master



sp_password @old=NULL, @new='password', @loginame='<login_name>';



Note: Only logins with the ALTER ANY LOGIN permission can change the password of another user's login. However, only members of the sysadmin role can modify passwords of sysadmin role members.


sp_password cannot be used for Microsoft Windows accounts. Users connecting to an instance of SQL Server through their Windows network account are authenticated by Windows; therefore, their passwords can only be changed in Windows.


2)    Option 2 – backup and restore the master database

3)    Option 3 – use contained database