Some Interview Questions - how to handle the large amount of deletion and how to handle the suspect mode of a database

Question 1: How to delete 10 million rows in the full mode?

Step 1 - deleting in chunks - maybe 10,000 records per time (divide and conquer)
Step 2 - keeping the row counts
Step 3 - using dbcc Shrinkfile as below (see

To shrink a transaction log file that has little free space in SQL Server 2005, follow these steps:

1)    Back up the transaction log file to make most of the active virtual log files inactive. Therefore, the inactive virtual log files can be removed in a later step. To do this, run a Transact-SQL statement that is similar to the following Transact-SQL statement.


2)    Shrink the transaction log file. To do this, run a Transact-SQL statement that is similar to the following Transact-SQL statement.


Note: In this statement, is a placeholder for the name of the transaction log file. In this statement, is a placeholder for the target size that you want the transaction log file to be. The target size must be reasonable. For example, you cannot shrink the transaction log file to a size that is less than 2 virtual log files.

3)    If the DBCC SHRINKFILE statement does not shrink the transaction log file to the target size, run the BACKUP LOG statement that is mentioned in step 1 to make more of the virtual log files inactive.

4)    Run the DBCC SHRINKFILE statement that is mentioned in step 2. After this operation, the transaction log file should be similar to the target size.

 Question 2: How to handle the suspect mode?

EXEC sp_resetstatus 'yourDBname';
DBCC checkdb('yourDBname')